
Only time will tell if stories like these will share the same fate.
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Beltaine - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

Your personal data. By registering on this forum, you agree that it may collect some of your personal data. This data collection is done either through the information you provide us, or through the use of the services itself, for technical data used for the forum proper functioning. You can access, modify or delete your data at any time. Users under 16 years old certify that they have obtained the consent of their legal guardian in order to proceed with this registration. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.


Hello and welcome to Beltaine!


Please remember that whatever character you pick. You are stuck with for your time on this forum unless you win a character slot or replacement.

"Survive another Character's, an NPC's, or your own actions along with that as well. " Be sure to put that in your mind before joining this forum.

Listed below are the rules. Breaking of these rules can result in a warning, deletion of a post or thread, deletion/ban of your account, and so on, depending on the gravity of your act. You are expected to know and follow all of these rules as soon as you have signed up on the forum.


-If you are a new person, Please put up a character BEFORE posting in ANY of the roleplays on this forum!

- DO NOT type with things such as U and R like textspeak. if you go back and write "hey U r so dumb." or things like "then lets go 2 the store" and "ur fun" . Your post will be altered or deleted, no exceptions.

- What goes on this forum, stays on the forum. Anything can and probably will happen here, so if you are of feint of heart or are uncomfortable with awkward or steamy situations, I feel you shouldn't participate in this forum.

-PLEASE READ EVERYONE'S CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS BEFORE POSTING YOUR CHARACTER IN THE ROLEPLAY SECTION! we don't like copy-cats and I'm sorry if you have to make up new characters for 100x overs, but we don't want someone with the same likeness as another, It will upset other members of the forum, and we truly don't want that.

-When Entering an RP that has been going on for a while, Make sure to At least read it before making a move, You might be interrupting the others or majorly ruining others RP Fun. If you do that, I will delete your Posts. Because Being serious, Its truly not cool, Hip..Or Groovy at all.

- You CAN swear (Especially the F word) But being kind and considerate, Please don't overuse that Privilege, If you just swear for no reason then that privilege will be taken from you and you will get a strike.
(Three strike rule also goes with it)

Do NOT flood. Do NOT spam. Do NOT double-post.
-Be patient. Wait for people to answer. Post not several times after each other. Even if your posts contain different content and information, it can become quite disturbing.

EVERYONE is equal.
Be respectful of Others around you (Staff and Members), If we are to live together in this Forum and in this chat, We must respect each other and our Many Differences. Such as:

  • - Listen to the mods and admin if they ask you to change your posts. They are here to help you improve your roleplaying ability, and your writing ability. Not to attack you.
  • - Unless your characters Hate each other, Still respect one another in a way so we know, Don't be hateful over something Immature, this is Just an RP area, or just a Talking Area.
  • - Do not Flame, Harass, Bash, make racial, Sexist or racist comments towards anyone of this forum. ( Unless your character is actually Sexist or Racist. Any of these comments out of character is inexcusable. )
  • - If someone tells you to "Stop" just stop it. It's not cool to be hateful towards anyone.
  • - You have three strikes, once they are up, you are Banned No exceptions

- There is NO Godmodding There is NO METAGAMING, AND THERE IS NO POWER PLAY allowed on this forum, NO MATTER WHAT! (That means, you Cannot KILL anyone ( that means one-shot them. ) , or Control their character) Its really not cool, If you want to know what that is in a Random Quirky manner Go under "Role play, Godmodding, Metagaming, and Powerplay" on this Forum.

- Remember that you do not need to have other characters around your character to get a story moving on. You can literally have your character not have any other interaction with other characters to have a good ol' roleplay. Yes, it might feel boring. But the world does not revolve around character interaction.

- Your character can and will die at some point. Just to repeat. This roleplay has a "selective timeline." this means for an example; if you're in several topics and your character dies in one of the topics. Your character can still enter other topics and still be around in those same topics you participate in other than that one roleplay your character had a fatality in. So you must survive another Character's, an NPC's, or your own actions along with that as well. Just because your character is completely obliterated in one topic doesn't mean they're gone forever and you have to-remake another character. They are only gone forever for that on topic.

-Stay in character no matter what situation is. Example: You might not like it that your character "mary sue" is about to be beheaded by a band of ruffians. So, you instead somehow give her brutal strength of bear when she's a 4 foot tall girlscout when she doesn't have that power. Being out of character is also godmodding. Especially when they talk out of character. Remember that when you want to write out of character you put them in brackets.

-BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR POSTS IN THE ROLEPLAY SECTION. That means don't write just a sentence like some lazy fool. There is ALWAYS something going on around your character. If you post anything that's only one line, one sentence long. IT WILL BE DELETED. no if and or buts about it. This forum is made to improve your writing, your improv, and your roleplay skills. Along with your creativity! This means every post must be at least a little descriptive.

-Posting criticism.
When a topic is about asking an opinion, make sure to write your comment in depth. Never post solely negative reactions. Also, try to explain why you think something is positive or negative. This can result in improvement. Remember that if you have nothing nice to say; don't say anything at all. No one wants to listen to an asshole spew their "opinion" at everyone like a butthurt child.

-Post in the RIGHT topic. Stay ON-topic.
The division and subdivision is quite clear. You are not supposed to post a role play topic in the information section or babble about random stuff in the role play area. Also, the title of the topic is supposed to point out what the thread is about. Do not go off-topic.

Speak English.
English is the only language to be spoken on the chat. In the case of foreign sentences, translation must be provided subsequently. In the case of foreign blocks of text, an English summary must be provided subsequently.

Be readable.
Do NOT use fonts, font size, font colors or background colors that make your chat posts difficult to read. On the other hand, screaming colors and huge font sizes are out of order as well. Do not try to stand out stylistically if it will annoy people.





-Do NOT demand info.
It is allowed to ask other members for personal information, but if they do not want to give it, do not keep on asking: people need their privacy.

-Do NOT give away info.
If people ask for personal information, you are allowed to tell, but it is not our responsibility what happens with this information. This is still the internet. Most of the information in your profile, as well, is optional. We do NOT ask of you to fill it all out.


NO pornography.
Pornographic images are not allowed. You can NOT post them in topics, NOR are you allowed to put them as your profile image. Topics that contain explicit content should be marked in the title or they will be removed without hesitation.

NO copyrighted material.
We do not allow you to use copyrighted material, text nor images, in your profile or posts. It is absolutely not tolerated to use the work of someone else and claim it as your own.

NO use of material without reference.

To continue on last rule, you are in general not allowed to use other sources without the exact reference. Even if there is no official copyright on stuff like this, do NOT use it without reference, nor claim it as your own.

We hope you enjoy your stay here!